Batflat is only 1024 kilobytes and it has all features that you need but is smaller than Wordpress.
Most CSS and JS files are minified by default to load whole page faster. There is no unnecessary stuff.
User interface is clean and intuitive. Don't worry about installation, just drop files on your server.
You can download or create your own extensions, even if you are novice web dev, because it's super-simple.
Batflat is designed to be fully portable without any dependencies on fixed location or database conf.
A simple mechanism for presenting sites in multiple languages is built into Batflat.
Creating and modifying a theme is simple, because you only need to know the basics of HTML/CSS.
You can set individual title, description and name of permalink for each page.
Batflat is fully responsive for mobile devices, tablets, and desktop screens.
Batflat was created as a lightweight alternative to heavy and outdated CMS'. Many people use complex solutions for simple pages, unnecessarily. Building this content management system, we focused on simplicity - even novice webmaster adapt his template and writes his own module. To achieve this, we implemented a simple template system and trivial application architecture.
Batflat does not require MySQL database, because all the data are collected in a single file. This provides perfect portability when changing your hosting provider. Just copy all the files from one account to another. That's all. There's nothing to configure or to change. However, if you SQLite does not meet your requirements, you can quickly change the database type thanks to PDO.
What's more, Batflat does not have installation wizard, because there is no such need. Right after uploading a package to an FTP server, Batflat is ready for action! Therefore, the installation process takes as much time as it takes to transfer files ;-)
Each page can have it's own individual name and URL, that makes Batflat SEO friendly. Your site may be available in multiple languages. Currently Bootflat supports translation to Polish, English, French, Italian, Turkish, Swedish and Russian.
Control panel and the default template is fully responsive, which makes it accessible from any mobile device, even on the phone thanks to used CSS framework - Bootstrap. Each of our module is adapted to it.